Homelessness Week 2023


How did you feel when you last got your haircut? It may not change your life, but it could leave you standing a little taller or enjoying a confidence boost. 

“You’re able to feel like you’re not a reject anymore,” said Short Back & Sidewalks client Theo.

“You don’t have people looking at you that certain way and you feel like you’re part of the community…that you belong.”

Short Back & Sidewalks is a service providing haircuts free of charge and free of judgment to people experiencing homelessness and poverty.

“What we do is about more than just a haircut,” said SBSW founder Craig Hollywood.

“It could be the confidence boost someone needs to apply for accommodation or for a job.”

It’s time to end homelessness is the 2023 theme for Homelessness Week (August 7-13). 

On any given night, 122,500  people in Australia are experiencing homelessness. Homelessness is not "rooflessness".

Only 6.2 per cent of people without a home are sleeping rough. The majority of homelessness is hidden - people in crisis accommodation, rooming houses, insecure housing, overcrowded dwellings or couchsurfing.

“Ending homelessness is something we all want to achieve, and part of this involves breaking the stereotypes often attached to those in need,” said Craig.

“Short Back & Sidewalks meet people every day who don't fit the stereotype. From university lecturers sleeping in their cars to single parents of school kids couch surfing whilst trying to make ends meet. 

“Homelessness is something that can happen to anyone.”

After living in his car for a number of years, Theo has now found a house for him and his partner Perry.

“It’s everything I’ve ever needed,” said Theo.

“I’m so excited for us to build a home together.”

Founder Craig Hollywood is available for interviews for Homelessness Week 2023 - 0416 321 004 (direct)

All other media inquiries and further information, please contact Liz Sheehan - 0402 919 549

Joanna Holcombe